Icp Icp - Simple and Blunt

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Anther fuckin sampler, I won't even front
I'll fuckin tell you all about our shit, simple and blunt
And if you take the time to listen as I run this down
Maybe you might even dig our shit and understand the wicked clown
We forever underground cause up on the surface
They've always said we talentless pieces of shit and worthless,
Yet,as I'm writing this now,
I glance over at the wall and I don't know how
But we got two platinum albums and another four gold
And we never used MTV, we went up the back road
And built a fanbase that's so behind the clown
That they'll tear your fuckin city in half to show they down!

But see that's just it though,
It ain't a fan base
It's a family drawn together like we from outer space
I mean, we call ourselves juggalos,
I guess that explain it
We relate cause we been through the same kinds of pain
I mean, ICP don't rap about the money we get
Because half the juggalos so broke they stealing our shit
And they don't wanna hear about us pushing up ends
When they takin' fuckin' Greyhounds just to get to gatherings

We likes it wicked
We keeps it wicked
We like cartoon serial slaughterers on our records!
It's how we adjust to the pressures of life;
Let our music do the killing for you, you'll be alright!
And seriously, and you the least bit curious
What's up with this underground world? We gettin' furious
Just like this sampler you're bumping right now,
This might be your calling to our carnival grounds!

Tell me this, motherfucker, truly, how you living?
Ever get the urge maybe do a little wig-splitting?
Ever been the last kid picked for a team?
Ever had motherfuckers come and shit on your dreams?
Do you have ideas and something to say
Only ain't nobody ever got they ears pointed your way?
Ever been fucked with for like this and like that
And go home wit crazy thoughts about cutting they neck?
You might find an escape in this band the world hates
Cause we been getting shit on, homie, we can relate!
Ain't nobody here dating any Hollywood stars,
Attending VIP parties at high-profile bars.
But if we ain't your cup of tea then just don't fuck with me,
I respect the fuck out the fact that you stuck with me
And listened on while I tried to explain ourselves
Cause the hatchet's hustling for some record sales!

We know that ICP is fuckin' hated and doubted
But our new album's the bomb and I wouldn't lie about it
We call it the Wraith and it's the sixth joker's card
And the juggalo world's been waiting long and hard
So we saving it all, we won't play you a lick,
That's why they got me on here rapping bout this shit
But for ten years this album has been in our focus
Everything from Dog Beats on through to Dark Lotus
And it's finally dropping on November 5th
Unless the fucking record label fucks up the shit
Plan is that's the day that the best we can do
Will be put in the stores and delivered to you
Or you can download it free, most probably will
But the packaging and booklet it comes with is ill!
So if you're lookin for the best way of copping it free
My advice is hit a record store and pluck the CD!
Get you the booklet and get you the disk
And leave all the case with the cover and shit
And then buy something cheap like a Britney Spears sticker
So they don't get suspicious when they see you at the register
One way or the other I can promise you this:
Juggalo or not, our fucking record's the shit
And I don't give a fuck what Rolling Stone ends up givin'
Cause that's just some other idiot's opinion
If he knows what's so dope he should make it himself
And quit fucking judging everybody fucking else
Anyway, all we trying to say
Is that a bomb ass LP is headed your way
A little something for the underdogs out there
We extending a gat to let you know that we here
And our carnival doors is always open to yours
And for everybody else we stand up in applause
For taking a little time to listen to me spit
On this here free CD hatchet sampler shit
And for all the juggalos out there that didn't know the deal
We put together this here for you to feel
Come on!